Are you able to look at an item and see the amount of time and work that went into it, thereby justifying the price to yourself? I have done this with quite a few bags in my collection, including my Hermes Birkins. The price for a Birkin is top of the handbag line, but the craftsmanship that goes into the bag has me able to justify the price. There are other bags that I simply cannot agree with,Its like you read my mind, and this Chloe bag is one.
The Chloe Iris Strass Crochet Clutch is no doubt beautiful,u boats watches, but it is so expensive. Like, really expensive. The kind of expensive that makes you question if this bag is made of pure gold flakes. You see, it is an elongated ivory crochet clutch with Strass Swarovski embellishment. The crystals add a beautiful touch against the crochet body and do dress the bag up. I suppose the crystals could be adding the price tag. But I am assuming that is also the process of making this bag which goes that.
I actually like this clutch. It is refreshing and adds materials that we do not usually see in the handbag world. But as much as anyone can tell you this is an investment piece, the price tag is really exorbitant. Crochet will show wear much easier as well, especially in a cream color. And then what if you loose a crystal. That would personally drive me nuts.
While there is a gold-tone frame and internal pouch pocket, I wonder if the crochet body will start to sag a bit over time. You have to note that in the stock images it will be set up as perfectly as possible yet it still appears to slouch a bit from some angles. I still love the idea of this clutch and materials used together, but the overall product is a bit lackluster and too expensive for me. Buy through Net A Porter for $2,rolex watch replica,360.
What do you think: Over-priced or priced right for the products used?
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